Top 50 Things to Know About Manaslu Circuit Trek

  • Last Updated on Aug 18, 2023

The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a popular trekking route in Nepal that takes you around the majestic Mount Manaslu, the eighth highest mountain in the world. The trek offers breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, diverse landscapes, and a chance to experience the rich culture of the region.

The trek begins in the town of Soti Khola and follows the Budhi Gandaki River gorge, passing through remote villages, lush forests, and terraced fields. As you ascend higher, the scenery changes dramatically, and you'll find yourself surrounded by towering mountains, deep valleys, and glaciers.

One of the highlights of the Manaslu Circuit Trek is crossing the Larkya La Pass, which stands at an elevation of 5,160 meters (16,930 feet). This high mountain pass offers panoramic views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks, including Manaslu itself. Crossing the pass requires proper acclimatization and physical fitness, as it can be strenuous due to the altitude and challenging terrain.

Throughout the trek, you'll have the opportunity to interact with the local people, predominantly of Tibetan origin, and experience their unique culture and way of life. You'll pass through traditional villages, monasteries, and encounter prayer flags, mani walls, and chortens along the way.

Permits are required to trek in the Manaslu region, and it's advised to hire a licensed guide or join a trekking agency to ensure a safe and organized journey. Accommodation along the trail ranges from teahouses to basic lodges, providing basic facilities and meals.

The Manaslu Circuit Trek offers a remote and less crowded alternative to the popular Annapurna Circuit Trek, allowing trekkers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and cultural richness of the region.

The subsequent article presents 50 things to know about Manaslu Circuit Trek.

Table of Contents


The Manaslu Trek is located in the Manaslu region of Nepal, in the western part of the country. It lies in the shadow of Mount Manaslu, the eighth highest mountain in the world.


The typical duration of the Manaslu Trek is around 10 to 15 days, depending on the specific itinerary. This includes acclimateization days, rest days, and exploration of side trips, making it a comprehensive trekking experience.

Trekking Difficulty

The Manaslu Trek is considered a challenging trek and is suitable for experienced trekkers. The trail takes you through rugged terrain, steep ascents and descents, high mountain passes, and remote areas.

Trekking Preparations

Before starting the Manaslu Trek, spend a few days in Kathmandu to acclimatize and make necessary preparations. This includes obtaining trekking permits, purchasing or renting gear, and attending a briefing session with your guide to familiarize yourself with the trek and address any concerns


To trek in the Manaslu region, you need a special trekking permit called the Manaslu Restricted Area Permit (RAP) and an Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP). These permits are required to regulate the number of trekkers and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the region.

Mountain Views

One of the highlights of the Manaslu Trek is the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. You'll have the opportunity to witness the majestic Mount Manaslu, as well as other prominent peaks like Himalchuli, Ganesh Himal, and Annapurna II.

Cultural Experience

The Manaslu region is inhabited by the indigenous people of Nepal, primarily the Gurungs and Tibetans. Trekking through the region provides a unique opportunity to experience their rich culture, traditions, and hospitality. You'll pass through several traditional villages, monasteries, and encounter the local way of life.

Tea Houses and Camping

Accommodation options along the Manaslu Trek include tea houses and camping. Tea houses are small guesthouses that offer basic amenities like food, lodging, and hot showers. Camping is also an option if you prefer a more immersive experience, particularly in remote areas.

Larkya La Pass

The trek culminates with the crossing of the Larkya La Pass, which stands at an elevation of 5,160 meters (16,930 feet). This high mountain pass offers stunning panoramic views and is one of the most challenging sections of the trek. Adequate acclimatization is crucial before attempting the pass.

Remote and Less Crowded

Compared to popular treks like the Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit, the Manaslu Trek is less crowded and offers a more secluded experience. The trail sees fewer trekkers, allowing you to immerse yourself in the pristine natural surroundings.

Safety Considerations

As with any high-altitude trek, safety should be a priority. Proper acclimatization, physical fitness, and trekking with a licensed guide are strongly recommended. It's also important to pack appropriate gear, including warm clothing, a good pair of trekking boots, and essential trekking equipment. Stay informed about weather conditions, carry a comprehensive first aid kit, and follow the guidance of experienced local guides.

Unique Flora and Fauna

The Manaslu region is home to diverse flora and fauna, including rhododendron forests, bamboo groves, and alpine meadows. You may encounter wildlife such as the elusive snow leopard, Himalayan tahr, and red panda during the trek.

Off-the-Beaten-Path Experience

The Manaslu Trek offers a sense of adventure and exploration as you traverse a less-traveled route. It's a great choice for trekkers looking for a more off-the-beaten-path experience and a break from the crowds.

Traditional Highlights

Along the trail, you'll come across traditional Buddhist monasteries, prayer wheels, and intricate mani walls adorned with Buddhist prayers. The region's cultural highlights offer insight into the religious practices and spiritual beliefs of the local communities.

Community-Based Tourism

The Manaslu Trek has embraced community-based tourism initiatives, which aim to involve and benefit the local communities. By staying at tea houses run by local families and supporting local businesses, you contribute to the economic development of the region.

Side Trips and Exploration

The Manaslu Trek allows for side trips and exploration opportunities. You can take detours to visit the serene Birendra Tal (lake), the hidden Tsum Valley with its ancient monasteries, or explore the Tibetan-influenced village of Samdo.

Adventurous River Crossings

The trail includes several suspension bridges that span roaring rivers and gorges. Crossing these bridges adds an element of adventure to the trek and offers thrilling views of the river valleys below.

Weather and Best Time to Trek

The Manaslu Trek is best undertaken during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During these times, the weather is relatively stable, with clear skies, comfortable temperatures, and better visibility of the mountains.

Responsible Trekking Practices

The Manaslu Trek promotes responsible and sustainable trekking practices. It's important to respect the environment, follow designated trails, avoid littering, and support initiatives that promote conservation and preservation of the region.

Trekking Perks

Completing the Manaslu Trek rewards you with a sense of accomplishment and stunning memories. From the challenging trekking sections to the mesmerizing mountain views, this journey offers an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Himalayas.

Altitude Sickness Awareness

Due to the high altitude nature of the trek, it's essential to be aware of altitude sickness and its symptoms. Proper acclimatization and gradual ascent are crucial to minimize the risk. It's recommended to include rest days in your itinerary and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Pack Light

While trekking in the Manaslu region, it's important to pack light but carry essential items. A good-quality backpack, comfortable trekking clothes, sturdy footwear, a sleeping bag, and a reliable headlamp are among the essentials. Remember to pack layers to accommodate varying temperatures.

Limited Teahouse Facilities

Unlike more popular treks, the teahouse facilities along the Manaslu Trek may be more basic and limited in terms of food options and amenities. However, they still provide warm meals and comfortable accommodations, giving you a taste of the local hospitality.

Communication and Connectivity

In remote areas of the Manaslu region, especially during the higher sections of the trek, access to communication and internet facilities may be limited. It's advisable to inform your loved ones about potential communication gaps and enjoy the digital detox.

Environmental Considerations

As a responsible trekker, it's important to minimize your environmental impact. Carry a reusable water bottle and purify water instead of buying plastic bottles. Properly dispose of waste and respect the natural surroundings. Leave only footprints and take cherished memories.

Travel Insurance

Prior to embarking on the Manaslu Trek, ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers trekking activities at high altitudes. Read the policy carefully to understand the coverage for emergency medical evacuation and trip cancellation, considering the remote nature of the region.


There are several checkpoints along the Manaslu Trek where you will need to show your trekking permits. Make sure to carry your permits, as well as your identification documents, in a readily accessible place to facilitate the process.

Local Cuisine

During the trek, you'll have the opportunity to savor traditional Nepali cuisine. Dal Bhat (rice with lentil soup), momo (dumplings), Sherpa stew, and Tibetan bread are some of the local dishes you can try at tea houses along the trail. Enjoying these authentic flavors adds to the cultural experience.

Trekking Itinerary Variations

There are different variations of the Manaslu Trek itinerary depending on the duration and side trips you wish to include. Some itineraries combine the Manaslu Circuit with the Tsum Valley trek for a more extended and diverse experience. Discuss your preferences with a trekking agency or guide to customize your itinerary.

Emergency Evacuation Options

In case of any medical emergencies or severe altitude sickness symptoms, there are helicopter evacuation services available in the region. However, it's important to note that these services can be expensive and should only be used in critical situations.

Trekking in winter

The Manaslu Trek is possible during the winter season (December to February), but it presents additional challenges due to the colder temperatures and higher chances of snowfall. Trekking in winter requires proper cold-weather gear, caution in navigating icy trails, and being prepared for potential route closures.

Responsible Photography

When taking photographs during the trek, be mindful of the local culture and people's privacy. Always ask for permission before photographing individuals, religious sites, or cultural events. Respect any restrictions on photography in certain areas or within monasteries.

Currency and ATM Availability

While trekking, it's advisable to carry enough Nepalese currency (Nepalese Rupees) for your expenses along the trail. ATM facilities are limited and may not be available throughout the trek, so ensure you have enough cash for the duration of your trekking journey.

Health and Safety

Prioritize your health and safety throughout the trek. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol consumption, and follow proper hygiene practices. Carry a basic first aid kit with essential medications and consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking the trek.

Hiring a Local/Licensed Guide

It is highly recommended to hire a licensed guide for the Manaslu Trek. A knowledgeable guide can navigate the trail, provide valuable insights about the region, assist in case of emergencies, and ensure your overall safety and well-being during the trek.

Trekking Porters

Hiring a local porter can greatly enhance your Manaslu Trek experience. Porters can help carry your heavy backpack, allowing you to trek with less weight and enjoy the journey.

Group Size and Trekking Partners

It's generally advised to trek in a group for safety reasons, especially in remote and challenging terrains. If you're traveling solo, consider joining a group or finding trekking partners to share the experience and enhance safety.

Physical and Mental Preparedness

The Manaslu Trek requires a good level of physical and mental fitness. Engage in regular exercise and endurance training to build stamina and prepare your body for the rigors of trekking. Mental preparedness and a positive mindset are equally important to overcome challenges.

Proper Acclimatization

Acclimatization is crucial for trekking at high altitudes. The trekking itinerary should include sufficient rest days and gradual ascent to allow your body to adjust to the altitude. Rushing the trek without adequate acclimatization increases the risk of altitude sickness.

Trekking Gear Checklist

Prepare a comprehensive gear checklist before embarking on the trek. It should include essential items such as trekking boots, warm clothing layers, a waterproof jacket, a sleeping bag, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, a backpack, trekking poles, and a water purifier.

Trail Conditions

Keep yourself updated about the weather and trail conditions before and during the trek. Be prepared for changes in weather patterns, including rain, snow, or extreme temperatures. Stay informed about any trail closures or diversions due to weather-related or safety concerns.

Respect Local Customs and Environment

Respect the local culture, customs, and traditions of the communities you encounter along the trek. Dress modestly, ask for permission before entering sacred sites, and follow responsible trekking practices to minimize your impact on the environment.

Water and Hydration

Carry a reusable water bottle and use water purification methods, such as water purification tablets or a water filter, to ensure safe drinking water along the trek. Avoid using single-use plastic bottles to minimize environmental impact.

Leave No Trace

Practice the principles of "Leave No Trace" during the trek. Respect the natural environment by not littering, disposing of waste properly, and minimizing your ecological footprint. Leave the trails and campsites as you found them, preserving the beauty of the region for future trekkers.

Trekking Budget

Plan your trekking budget considering permit fees, accommodation costs, food expenses, and additional expenses such as equipment rental, guide fees, and tips. It's advisable to have some extra cash for unforeseen circumstances or personal expenses along the trek.

Electricity and Charging Facilities

Electricity is available in most teahouses along the Manaslu Trek, usually powered by solar energy or generators. However, charging facilities for electronic devices may be limited and often come at an additional cost.

Trail Maintenance and Improvements

The Manaslu Trek has undergone various trail maintenance and improvement initiatives to enhance the trekking experience and safety. Local authorities, trekking organizations, and communities work together to maintain and upgrade the trails, bridges, and facilities.

Wildlife Encounters

The Manaslu region is known for its rich biodiversity and wildlife. While sightings are not guaranteed, keep your eyes open for opportunities to spot unique Himalayan wildlife, such as the elusive snow leopard, Himalayan blue sheep, musk deer, and various bird species.


If your trek coincides with local festivals or cultural events, you may have the chance to witness and participate in traditional celebrations. These events offer a deeper insight into the local culture, music, dance, and religious practices of the region.

Trekking Agency Selection

Choose a reliable and reputable trekking agency or guide for the Manaslu Trek. Research and read reviews to ensure they have experience in organizing treks in the region, offer knowledgeable guides, and prioritize safety measures.

Post-Trek Relaxation

After completing the Manaslu Trek, take some time to relax and rejuvenate in the tranquil lakeside town of Pokhara. Enjoy the stunning views of the Annapurna range, go boating on Phewa Lake, or indulge in a well-deserved massage to unwind from the trekking adventure.

By considering these additional pieces of information, you'll be well-prepared and equipped to embark on the short Manaslu Trek, ensuring a safe, enjoyable, and fulfilling adventure in the stunning Himalayan region.

Suman Aryal

Suman Aryal

With over 15 years of experience in the tourism sector of Nepal, Suman is the Managing Director of Dream Heaven Adventure. His passion for trekking has taken him to nearly all of Nepal's popular regions, making him an authorized trekking and tour operator.

Suman has a particular affinity for traveling to the Himalayas, where he has gained deep knowledge about the region's religion, culture, and history. As a part-time blogger, Suman shares his research on the cultural and religious diversity of Nepal, providing his personal touch with insights from his decade-long experience. He also enjoys answering readers' queries with his expert knowledge and personal touch.