Things to know before going on Mera Peak Climbing

  • Last Updated on Apr 12, 2022

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So you have seen the photos of this snowy Mera peak of Nepal, you have heard tales of accomplishment who have conquered it and now you are feeling drawn to the challenge the Mt. Mera (6,476m)-the highest trekking peak in Nepal.
But what preparation should be made for the climb and what’s actually involved in the climb? These are the most frequently asked question. Here are lists of things to know before lacing up your hiking boots and booking your trip to Mera Peak Climbing.

Mera Peak Difficulty

The difficulty of Mera Peak depends on the route you choose to climb the peak:

Route 1:

The direct route:

It is the shortest but most difficult route to Mera Peak. Once you fly to Lukla, you will climb to Zatr La Pass (4,610m) and from here you will trek to Tagnag to Base Camp. Further you will push to high camp and then to summit.
The success rate is on this route is less than 30%. Even seasoned climber find this route challenging.

Route 2:

The most used route:

It is the most used route to summit the Mera Peak.
From Lukla, you will walk north to Paiya and trek through stunning village of Khumbu to Hinku valley. Allowing ample acclimatization, you will slowly pass the village of Panguam, Nagindingma, Kothe, Tagnag and Khare.
From Khare, you will trek to Mera Peak Base Camp and finally climb to high camp and then to the summit.

Mera Peak is less technical than you think

The Mera Peak is not as technical as you think. But having some skills would be really great. It is just a regular climb until you reach the final section nearby the summit. To make a final push to summit, you have to use crampons, harness, ice axe and ropes. But it’s really easy to use. A pre-training session at Mera Peak Base Camp would be a great help for you.

Acclimatization is crucial

The biggest mistake that people often make in preparation of climbing Mera Peak is picking less days for acclimatization. Most people tries to climb Mera Peak in short time. This is not the way to go – you are challenging the altitude. You have to schedule ample acclimatization people, especially if you are new to high altitude. Here are some key solution to altitude sickness:

  • Schedule at least 2 – 3 days for acclimatization. Don’t stay idle during rest days – climb high and sleep low.
  • Drink ample water to hydrate your body
  • Walk on a gradual pace – it’s not marathon!
  • Carry oxygen cylinder to compensate the oxygen deficiency
  • Carry anti altitude sickness medications – Diomax is popular in Nepal

Dress for the climate

Mountains in Nepal are known for harsh, dry and cold climates. At Mera Peak Base Camp, the temperature can be brutally cold.
Even though the weight is always a major concern, the climbing trip to Mera Peak is not an ultralight activity. You need to carry more than the basics to survive the harsh mountain weather. Make sure you pack:

  • Thermals – top (hand) and bottom (feet). Pack a couple of pairs and keep one clear pair specifically for sleeping, We known you will thank us for it
  • Warm down jacket
  • Sleeping bag – contact your guide or agency for it
  • Warm trouser ( 2 – 3 pairs)

Package your sanity

Many climbing agencies and experts have provided comprehensive packing list for Mera Peak summit climbing so we are not going to repeat this. However, look out our top five other things to bring to basically keep your sanity intact:

Ipod – Listening the music during long and tedious walk is mentally relaxing. Plus, whenever you will hear the song – the memory of your journey comes back. We have many clients getting a nostalgic feeing listening the music that they have heard back in the mountains.
Bring extra footwear for other purpose other than walking. Walking the same footwear in toilet and using same to walk for dinner sounds like hell. But the footwear must be warm enough to deal the climate
Don’t forget to carry wet wipes and personal sanitary gears to keep you fresh
Carry buff which can be used for multiple purpose. It can be used as a scarf, head band, sweat bank and safeguard you from the wind, dust and sun
Carry extra batteries and memory for your camera. Countless sceneries means countless clicks. Note down you will be greatful to us.

Suman Aryal

Suman Aryal

With over 15 years of experience in the tourism sector of Nepal, Suman is the Managing Director of Dream Heaven Adventure. His passion for trekking has taken him to nearly all of Nepal's popular regions, making him an authorized trekking and tour operator.

Suman has a particular affinity for traveling to the Himalayas, where he has gained deep knowledge about the region's religion, culture, and history. As a part-time blogger, Suman shares his research on the cultural and religious diversity of Nepal, providing his personal touch with insights from his decade-long experience. He also enjoys answering readers' queries with his expert knowledge and personal touch.